2023-08-25 10:28

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UK Gov Insist On Trade Talks With US Despite Covid-19 Prompts Trade Justice Movement Action

Overlooked by the mainstream press this week, the Government insists that it will continue with urgent talks with the US to ensure a trade deal between them and the UK is concluded asap. This despite the fact that both countries response to the Covid-19 has been wanting to say the very least.

The UK pressure group, the Trade Justice Movement, as a result has written to the Prime Minister Boris Johnson, urging that the talks are put on hold. The letter is entitled: 'Letter to PM and SoS for International Trade on US talks and Covid-19 epidemic'

In their letter, they point to the current situation in the UK and US:

Pic: TJM letter - click to read"In the context of the whole of the UK and part of the US being in lockdown, and Parliament rising earlier than planned this week, it would be deeply inappropriate for trade negotiations with the United States to commence at this time – or for the foreseeable future. The UK government’s attention should be focused on dealing with the public health and economic crises which face our nation."

It adds:

"As UK civil society organisations representing thousands of members, we have multiple concerns about a trade agreement with the US particularly, including its impact on:

* food standards

* climate action

* medicine prices and the NHS

* animal welfare

* digital technology

* the world’s poorer countries

* labour rights

* chemical protection standards.

These are high risk issues that need considered public debate and democratic scrutiny, but this debate cannot happen amidst national lockdown and with Parliament closed."

The letter is signed by 16 organisations including War On Want, Friends of the Earth and Pesticide Action Network UK (PAN UK).

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